November is almost here, and so is National Gratitude Month. Why celebrate Thanksgiving on just one day, when we can practice the virtue of thankfulness every day of the year?

A few years ago I read the book ONE THOUSAND GIFTS, by Ann Voskamp. What a life-changer it was for me! Afterwards, I began to keep a gratitude journal to list all the things I'm grateful for. I started out with obvious things like my husband and our kids...but as I continued, I began to see blessings in so many things I'd never really noticed: that first sip of coffee in the morning, the feel of the warm mug on my cold hands, the sound of our girls whispering and giggling together way past their bedtime.

Did you know that gratitude is good for your health? There are actually studies out there showing that the simple habit of keeping a gratitude journal increases relaxation response, improves quality of sleep, decreases symptoms of depression, and strengthens the body's physiological functioning. As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression for years, this is truly good news! I have experienced the feelings of peace, contentment, and joy that come with recognizing and being thankful for my many blessings.

During the month of November, I encourage you to take the 30 Days of Thankfulness Challenge. Be extra attentive to the people and events that you encounter in your everyday life...a smile and kind word from the clerk at the grocery amazing cloud pattern in the sky...the smell of fall in the air. Then write it down. Put it on paper and stick it on your refrigerator. Post it on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. Tell someone that you're grateful for their kindness. Spread the attitude of gratitude. All of us here at Paw Paw Everlast Label Company wish you a very happy month of THANKFULNESS. And by the way...we're grateful for you, our loyal customers! Thank you for allowing us to serve you and provide you with the best permanent metal garden labels out there!